Order Issue

bengston / 2010-02-17 22:55:45   

I am having "ordering" issues with Indexhibit CMS system, both when it comes to trying to order individual Exhibitions in a section and with uploaded image files in sections. I am able to drag and drop everything within the CMS and it puts them in order, but when I actually check the site the order seems random, when I drag and drop them again and force reload sometimes they change, and sometimes they don't, but never in the order I want.

I put them in order 1, 2, 3 and get 2, 3, 1 and then try and reorder them to 3, 2, 1, and get 1, 3, 2. Seems to make no sense at all. I don't know if I am missing something simple here, but I can't seem to find any documentation about how to fix this.

I am currently using the "Sample" theme and am running both Safari 4.0.4 and Firefox 3.5.7

Any advice would be much appreciated as this is driving me mad and I don't think I can use Indexhibit if I can't do this more reliably...

arsondpi / 2010-02-17 23:01:03   

Set Organize to Sectional in Settings... (crossing my fingers that this is what's wrong...)

bengston / 2010-02-17 23:03:16   

That worked for the Exhibitions but not the images, any idea about that?

arsondpi / 2010-02-17 23:05:24   

what images? what's you address?

bengston / 2010-02-17 23:08:27   

Right now I am just playing around with it here

The images are on "3" the progression they should be in is pretty clear.

Also, setting Max Image Size seems to do nothing.

arsondpi / 2010-02-17 23:10:21   

Ooooh - it would be sooo lovely if you linked back. Read the forum rules please...

bengston / 2010-02-17 23:12:10   

Sorry, I deleted that while I was playing around with editing that stuff, as you can see this isn't actually my site, I am just trying to learn how to use it. I can add it back in if you want.

bengston / 2010-02-17 23:19:28   

Its back in, or have I been blacklisted for that mistake?

Vaska A / 2010-02-18 12:48:20   

If you have a link, it's good with us.

bengston / 2010-02-18 12:52:27   

Well, thank you. I really do appreciate this project, and if I actually figure out these bugs I plan on paying the developers donation to use it to make some portfolio sites for some friends.

But before I can do that, I need to figure out what is going wrong with my image sorting, do you have any idea?

Vaska A / 2010-02-18 13:07:42   

Can't you simply drag them to update the order? Does the order change at all? Or is the order simply wrong?

bengston / 2010-02-19 03:14:00   

When I drag and change the order it doesn't really work, some things will change, but some photos refuse to move in the actual layout. I keep try to re-save and force reload, but no dice.

amaury / 2010-03-08 17:39:33   

Actually, I have the same sort of "order" problem. When I create a new exhibit within a section, it shows as first of the list of exhibits. If I try to move it to the last position, as I want it to be, it doesn't change. How can I do to order the exhibits?

ivaniannoli / 2010-06-03 21:24:27   

My site is here: www.ivaniannoli.com

I can't seem to change the order of my projects. Even when the order is correct in the back-end, the website still displays the order as it was before.

I've tried shift+refresh, clearing cache, loggin out-loggin in...nothing works.

Any word on how to fix this issue?

Many thanks!


arsondpi / 2010-06-04 01:05:26   

...make your that in Settings, Organize is set to Sectional....

elie / 2010-07-14 18:50:34   

I'm having a problem with ordering as well. I've gone into Settings and set Organize to 'Sectional', and while the order now is correct, the name of each section appears next to each exhibit, please have a look: Webpage

I can't find anyone else with this issue. Any ideas or forum thread that talks about this?


Vaska A / 2010-07-14 19:09:53   

Isn't that how the template set is supposed to work? Mathieu?

I think it's supposed to work this way...

elie / 2010-07-14 21:36:51   

Is it really?

Well if I go back and set Organize to 'Chronological', is there a way to change the 'Project Year' of already existing exhibits or do I have to recreate those exhibits and give them each a 'Project Year' in ascending order.

Thanks for the feedback.

Vaska A / 2010-07-14 22:59:13   

Hold on...I'll see if I can get Mathieu in here to explain this one. I honestly don't know the answer to this.


lemathieu A / 2010-07-15 07:19:39   

can't understand what is going on here.
what do you do with your template ?
you make big modifications on the sample, but you broke lot of things…

Did you switch the template from another one to the sample one ?

elie / 2010-07-15 21:15:10   

I've modified my sample template, not very much though.
added Cufon script, expanding menu functions, and footers at the bottom of the page. Have a look:

  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  2.     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">



path = '/files/gimgs/';

    setTimeout('move_up()', 1);
    expandingMenu(1); expandingMenu(2); expandingMenu(3); expandingMenu(4);


Built with indexhibit

elie / 2010-07-15 21:43:34   

sorry let's try again..

  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  2.     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  3. <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>
  4. <head>
  5. <!----------------------for linking favicon------------------------------>
  6. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.fishbol.com/draft/ndxz-studio/site/sample/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
  7. <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
  8. <title><%title%> : <%obj_name%></title>
  9. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/style.css' type='text/css' />
  10. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  11. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/ie.css' type='text/css' />
  12. <![endif]-->
  13. <plug:front_lib_css />
  14. <plug:front_dyn_css />
  15. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/jquery.js'></script>
  16. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/cookie.js'></script>
  17. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/expandingMenus.js'></script>
  18. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/jquery.galleriffic.js'></script>
  19. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/jquery.opacityrollover.js'></script>
  20. <!--referencing cufon script and fonts----------------------------------------->
  21. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/cufon-yui.js'></script>
  22. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/Helvetica_Neue_LT_Std.js'></script>
  23. <!--select statement for Cufon--->
  24. <script type='text/javascript'>
  25.     Cufon.replace('li.section-title');
  26.     Cufon.replace('h3');
  27. </script>
  28. <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  29. <plug:front_lib_js />
  30. <script type='text/javascript'>
  31. path = '<%baseurl%>/files/gimgs/';
  1.  $(document).ready(function()
  2.  {
  3. ¬†¬†¬†¬†setTimeout('move_up()', 1);
  4. ¬†¬†¬†¬†expandingMenu(1); expandingMenu(2); expandingMenu(3); expandingMenu(4); 
  5.  });
  6. </script>
  7. <plug:front_dyn_js />
  8. <plug:backgrounder color='<%color%>', img='<%bgimg%>', tile='<%tiling%>' />
  9. </head>
  10. <body class='section-<%section_id%>'>
  11. <div id='menu'>
  12. <div class='container'>
  13. <%obj_itop%>
  14. <plug:front_index />
  15. <!---%obj_ibot%> --->
  16. </div>    
  17. </div>    
  18. <!-----left footer div---->
  19. <div id='footer-left'>
  20. <%obj_ibot%>
  21. </div>
  22. <!-----right footer div---->
  23. <div id='footer-right'>
  24. Built with <a href="http://www.indexhibit.org">indexhibit</a>
  25. </div>
  26. <div id='content'>
  27. <div class='container'>
  28. <!-- text and image -->
  29. <plug:front_exhibit />
  30. <!-- end text and image -->
  31. </div>
  32. </div>
  33. </body>
  34. </html>
elie / 2010-07-15 21:48:32   

Anyways, I just tried a bunch of different themes and they all produce the same output when Organize is set to 'Sectional' in settings, so it can't be the Sample theme.

Vaska A / 2010-07-16 04:09:34   

Elie, when did you install Indexhibit at your site?

elie / 2010-07-16 04:23:41   

I believe I installed it this last fall.

Well I've sort of found a temporary solution for now...alter the CSS so the text color is transparent in #menu.

Vaska A / 2010-07-16 04:25:45   

How would that affect the order of things?

elie / 2010-07-16 05:50:50   

It doesn't. The order of the exhibits are fine when it is set to 'Sectional', the problem is the name of each section appears next to each exhibit....kinda redundant.
So by adding to CSS:
#menu{color: transparent;}
It makes the section titles disappear.

lemathieu A / 2010-07-16 09:01:55   

Ok I got it. You try my Scroller theme, and you forget to replace the original index.php in /site/plugin

Replace the one you got with a new/fresh one from here.

Vaska A / 2010-07-16 09:12:27   

Ah, yes. Sorry...Mathieu is the one to talk to about this.


elie / 2010-07-16 16:27:26   

THAT'S IT!! man what a relief.
I owe you guys a beer ;)

Thanks so much.

This thread has been closed, thank you.