Problem validation W3C

samcome / 2008-08-27 19:48:19   

Hello have two page isn't conform with the W3C (XHTML and CSS)
My home page use the plugin.simple_news.php
and the last page use the links project indexhibit

Can you help me because i want insert the logotype validation W3C (XHTML and CSS)
HELPPP MEEEE :) thank you.

my website : etaminedesign

LeslieOA / 2008-08-27 20:17:26   

The simple_news plugin needs a little bit of hacking to be W3C complaint.

I have a slightly hacked version for the same reason in my journal and repos.

Demonstrate the presentation style you want (e.g. the one your currently using) and I'll send/hack you up a complaint copy.

Please note: - That a new version of Indexhibit will be available by years end with true news/blogging features.


Edit: - Other advice I could add is turning off HTML processing (under 'Additional Settings' on your exhibits edit page on the right).

samcome / 2008-08-28 09:38:02   

OK thank you :)
Your website is very nice !!!
Like use jquery for dynamic menu, think test too.
Can contact me in my email via my website.
I test a plug iframe for see a little wordpress minimaliste in the right side.

Best Regards


LeslieOA / 2008-08-28 12:24:33   

Okay, after taking a little look at the original plugin (simple_news), I realise that it's all about the way you format your "posts".

Turning off HTML processing
Changing Edit -> Additional Settings -> Process HTML to 'Off' seems to do the trick (your mileage may vary).

Simple News Hacking
Figure I may as well leave some plugin hacking advice whilst I'm here.

For my journal, I added the following to simple_news to allow for breaks/jumps (any text after the comment tag <!-- break --> will not be displayed on the plugins listing page.

Example: -

  1. $s¬†.=¬†substr($page['content'],¬†0,¬†strpos($page['content'],¬†"<!-- break -->"))¬†.¬†"...n";

Download the tweak and see if it's of any real use to you.

For iframed and jQuery guides, etc, check this thread for some resources.

Hope this helps.

samcome / 2008-08-28 22:33:58   

ok thank you very much...
Now it's ok i have replace my first page by a wordpress iframe...very nice :)only problem again with to work without scrollbars ??:( think test with the CSS a later.

And all is validate now, just one links isn't....the links indexhibit project have alert again...but i work for validate :)

i like very your dynamic menu !!!!!!!!!!! :)...perhap's i test too with jquery...but i don't see for start the dev.

Peace and Havin Fun


(i Want a logotype indexhibit in my website !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :)

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